Friday, December 13, 2013


Just me taking another bad picture.
The first art/science related event I attended was Gareth Walsh’s DOW JONES exhibit held on October 31st in the Art and Science Exhibit in the California NanoSystems Institute.

Walsh’s exhibit featured a real-time singing portrait of the US Stock Market. The real-time singing portrait showcase stock market employees singing the highs and lows of the U.S. economy.

Gareth Walsh’s exhibit was interesting because of his alteration of the (visual) Dow Jones Industrial Average. Walsh took what was only interpreted though visuals and made it an auditory source.

I was able to relate Walsh’s exhibit to the content material for our class because of Walsh’s mixture of art, which in this case was the art of singing, and technology, the real-time portrait and various pitch measurements.

Walsh’s exhibit is unique in the sense that it is difficult to explain because it was very auditory. Unlike an art piece, Walsh depended on his technology in order to showcase his art.

While I can appreciate an exhibit such as Walsh’s I found Walsh’s piece difficult to enjoy because many of the employees he featured were not very good singers. However, I think his idea was interesting and shows a lot of promise for future expansion.

Just in case anyone wants to view a piece of the Walsh real-time DOW JONES exhibit I posted a link below. 


Gareth Walsh. Web. 13 Dec. 2013.

UCLA Design Media Arts. Web. 13 Dec. 2013.

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